Honesty is a very Expensive Gift. Do not expect it from Cheap People.

The title of this article is quoted by Warren Buffett & this is a harsh truth in every sphere of our life.

Most of the people in this world are working very hard to earn money for living a life full of happiness & joy. They wish to fulfil their dreams and imaginations. Money is the most useful power which can do almost everything in this world. Hence, they invest their savings in the expectation of handsome return. No one  will be happy in losing his hard-earned money in poor investment.

The most common & big mistake we do in our life is nothing but investing our money as per advice of any person, broker or agency without any verification of their offer. Sometimes, agents or brokers intentionally involve their customers in poor investment plan for getting more interset or commission. They misguide their customer with fake promise for their own benefit & consequently, the investor loses his hard-earned money.

A huge market-research is required for verification of every offer before investing. Now-a-days, any information is available in internet. So we can google everthing and nobody can make us fool. 

Never forget 'the two rule of investment of Warren Buffett'.......

" Rule No. 1 : Never lose money
  Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No.1 "

Happy investing !!!

##  Common Investors may collect ebook from the following link for mastering the basics of investment :

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  1. Whenever we are going to invest, sometime we will be gainer and sometime loser.Is there any way that you will get always good return?

  2. Nice to hear from you again. Your queries are my inspiration to continue my blog.

    If you invest in any Equity-Based Diversified Mutual Fund with high Star Rating for long Term, you will definitely get very good return than any other investment plan existing in the market.

  3. But how do we identify the best one. Imagine X mutual fund(MF) Launched whose starting value is 10 but that time there is no rating .As per your comment first it launch then got rating then buy But in that between time value of X can be increased. got my point.

  4. Choose according to higher rating & invest in SIP i.e. systematic investment plan. Other points will be discussed later. You may choose any plan & send in my email. I may suggest you. Otherwise, you have to wait for Mutual Fund topic to come.


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